SaaS terms and metrics to be familiar with

SaaS terms and metrics to be familiar with

ICP:  Ideal Customer Profile:  The simplest definition is that this is the fictitious description of the types of customers that would be the ideal buyers of your offerings.  These are generally created looking at a multitude of various attributes...
Add $100k to your MRR with four small changes

Add $100k to your MRR with four small changes

I looked at over 100 SaaS lead gen forms (probably a good bit more) these past few weeks and 90%+ weren’t optimized for lead conversions. As CEO or CRO, obviously focusing on how to increase close rates and net retention is paramount, nothing earth shattering here,...
Small Changes Big Impact

Small Changes Big Impact

One of the things I enjoy about putting together GTM Strategies is that sometimes it’s the smallest, most innocuous change that completely alters a company’s growth trajectory. I’ll be writing in-depth about each topic, but take a look at some of these data points to...
The Real Cost of Employee Churn

The Real Cost of Employee Churn

The cost of mis-hires at emerging SaaS companies is astonishing. (hint: millions!) What’s even more surprising is how little time and attention is generally spent on fixing the issue. Now, truth be told, I think most CEOs don’t spend enough time on it because they are...
Where Most Comp Plans Go Wrong

Where Most Comp Plans Go Wrong

After over a decade of designing comp plans for SaaS companies, as well as reviewing hundreds of plans, here’s a few pieces of advice: Start with the Why You need to start by understanding why you’re putting together compensation plans in the first place. The...